19 January 2009

"there's nothing like living in a bottle"

[ "Lived in Bars" - Cat Power ]

G-d is good.

i'm getting a bit concerned; i noticed that over the holidays i've lost a lot of weight. like, 10-15 lbs. my beer gut is GONE. i'm not husky or anything anymore (i'm not SKINNY per se either, but i look healthy). i don't think it's normal to drop that amount of weight so quickly and especially over the holidays. right?

it was snowing pretty intensely today. had to leave work kinda early to make sure i'd make it home. which was.. kind of pointless since it's slow as all else.

i was pretty tired last night but still couldn't quite fall asleep. i feel as if writing is really helping though.

i still need to do that post on prayer, and i have a couple other posts i want to write as well.

and ephesians 4 for whatever reason has been on my heart, so i'll be blogging about that.

but not right now; i need to catch up on sleep first. and that won't happen for a day or two since i have this party thinger tomorrow night.

[1] "hallelujah" (and the according deviations) isn't an exclamation, it's a request. it means "tell me something good about G-d", basically. you learn all sorts of awesome and neat things at a liberal biblical university like Eastern U; each new and shocking thing i learned was like a sweet kiss on the cheek from Hashem. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallelujah for more info)


  1. oh man I so could lose about 15 pounds now, but that's because of having a baby. haha. anyway, I dont know what to say about the weight situation. have you been stressing out a lot lately? that could cause a lack of appetite. Maybe you are actually eating better? At least it's not as if you are TRYING to lose weight though right? so you probably don't have to worry about it. If you keep losing a lot perhaps see a doctor about it! beer bellies are icky anyway!

  2. hehehe. well, yeah! i'm hoping it's just a little G-dlly gift (it IS nice to have the gut gone) and not something health-related.

    again, i really don't notice this ghost 15 lbs you keep referring to. i'll take your word for it though, since i know biologically that mommies DO gain weight.

    you should post again soon!

  3. i have no idea what to post about lately. ahh!
    the 15 pounds arent too noticable, probably 5 pounds are in mama milk containers! it's all in my thighs and hips really. i just want to fit in my pants again. i like being in shape and not flabby, is all. it took a year to work off leto flab. this should take half a year for micah flab.

  4. Anonymous20/1/09 21:07

    The post on prayer would be much appreciated!

    and yeah, the weight loss does seem odd, but then again not really with the fast you did and how you said your appetite has been wavering. I wouldn't worry too much unless it keeps up.

    and remind me to tell you some of the tips the sleep specialist gave my aunt about insomnia next time we talk! =) It can't hurt.

  5. then keep an eye out for it, nik! i just got home and i'm BEAT so i won't start it tonight but i've been jotting down a couple things. it will most likely be a pretty epic and long entry (like the "chew your food before swallowing" entry.. i doubt anyone even read the whole thing, hehe) but with prayer, there's certainly a lot to mention! it's a pretty important thing.

    you're right; my appetite's been wonky so that may be it.

    ahhh i would LOVE tips for insomnia! that would be wonderful.


play nicely.