09 January 2009

litany for unrepentants

litany for unrepentants

hell is a
mobius Autobahn
and you must walk every
glass-and-rusty-nail-covered mile
barefoot and alone.

hell is waking up
in a sweat to a
cold, silent bedroom
around for miles.

hell is going to sleep
in a bed the size of a room
and a house the size of a country
and there is only your ego to share your pillow with.

NOTE: "hell" comes from the hebrew word "sheol", which means literally "grave". hell is not a place of literal fire and brimstone or some guy with horns and a pitchfork in red pajamas; it is a state of being purely alone with yourself for all eternity. it is death, separation from everything else but yourself. just you, yourself, and nothingness.


  1. Anonymous12/1/09 01:33

    I've shared my pillow with my ego many a night. Not a nice bedfellow.

    Interesting take on hell, too. I've heard other people give similar interpretations. Have you read The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis? It's a great allegory about heaven and hell.

  2. yes, i really liked his take on it as well. it was pretty interesting! he was a pretty bright feller.


play nicely.