15 December 2008

"...every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..."

["Closing Time" - Semisonic.... wow, i'm really showing my age]

so i decided to start using blogger/blogspot. i'm hopping on the bandwagon, onoes!

that's a shame; i really liked my wordpress because of all the plug-ins. PLUS they have an OSS'd (i think) engine behind it. i think i'll use that blog for linux-y things considering there's plenty of that going on in my life. har.


just wanted this here as a placeholder. i've been thinking a bit and have some ideas for entries i'd really like to write.


  1. this must mean i have to start posting on my blog again, huh?

  2. btw, i liked wordpress better too but i had to leave it because i was stalked sort of.

    "closing time" is the only words i can remember from that song. i hum the rest.

  3. oh no! it sucks you were stalked.

    and yes. yes, it does mean you need to start posting on your blog again.


play nicely.